Stephen joins the National Day of Reflection with Marie Curie

Stephen in front of the Marie Curie banner

Stephen marked this year’s National Day of Reflection at an event run by Marie Curie in Parliament.

The National Day of Reflection is a Marie Curie-led initiative to remember those who have died and support those who mourn, which occurs every 23 March. Many workplaces and schools mark the Day with a minute’s silence at 12 noon. It aims to encourage communities to discuss bereavement, death, and dying openly.

There were 8,955 bereavements in Newham alone in 2021. Over a quarter of bereaved adults surveyed by the UK Commission on Bereavement received no support from family and nearly half received no support from friends.

“It was sobering to join Marie Curie for this year’s National Day of Reflection,” Stephen said after the event. “We all face bereavement during our lives. We should be able to discuss grief openly and support those mourning in our community.”

If you are experiencing bereavement, Marie Curie offers a free dedicated bereavement service. They also offer support for those with a terminal illness or caring for someone with a terminal illness.