Stephen pledges to #EndTheWait for young people’s mental health

Stephen has met with young people from leading mental health charity, YoungMinds, at an event in support of their #EndTheWait campaign.

The campaign is calling for action to tackle the escalating crisis in young people’s mental health. As part of the campaign, MPs were invited to meet with young people to hear first-hand about their experiences of waiting for mental health support. The Minister for Mental Health, Maria Caulfield and a young person with lived experience of mental ill health also spoke at the event.

Research shows that:

  • More than a quarter of young people have tried to end their lives while waiting for mental health support.

  • Over 40% waited more than a month for mental health support after seeking it.

  • Nearly half a million young people are being referred for mental health problems every month, with many not being able to get the support they need.3

The #EndTheWait campaign is calling for changes to be made to improve support for young people’s mental health, including ensuring that more young people get seen by NHS services within four weeks of referral.

Speaking afterwards, Stephen said: “My constituents often tell me what a big issue children and young people’s mental health is for them and their families. Yesterday I met with young people and we spoke about what it is like to wait for support. Their story must be heard which is why I am supporting #EndTheWait.”