Stephen calls for action on no fault evictions

Stephen has today written to the Prime Minister asking that ministers restate their commitment to scrapping Section 21 no fault evictions.

Section 21 means landlords can evict renters without a reason, leaving the renters with only two months’ notice to find a new home. A number of constituents have written to Stephen expressing concern that the government might u-turn on its manifesto commitment to end such practices. In his letter, Stephen asked the Prime Minister for an update on the progress of legislation removing Section 21.

Speaking about the letter, Stephen said “In my surgeries, I regularly meet constituents facing eviction and homelessness as a result of Section 21. No fault eviction gives landlords the upper hand and often silences tenants, who fear losing their home if they complain. The government needs to take urgent action and scrap such practices.”

The government published a White Paper on Renters’ Reform last summer and said a Bill would be presented to the Commons in 2023.