Stephen attends the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast


On 25 June, Stephen met with local church leaders in his constituency to watch the breakfast, which was streamed online.

Usually, over 700 parliamentarians and church leaders meet in Westminster for the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. Whilst this was not possible this year, over 3,500 people were able to join in online.

The breakfast focused on life beyond Covid-19 and included prayers and words of encouragement from various parliamentarians. There was also a time of worship and Rt Revd Prof NT Wright spoke on renewed hope as the nation recovers from the pandemic. MPs and leaders paid tribute to the work of churches and charities throughout lockdown, such as Christians Against Poverty.

Stephen met with local leaders to take part in the breakfast at Manor Park Christian Centre. After the screening, the group discussed ways they could work together to serve the needs of the local people.

Speaking after the breakfast, Stephen said “David and Jean Foster at Manor Park Christian Centre made us very welcome this morning.  I enjoyed meeting local church leaders to celebrate the important role that Christian faith plays in communities across the UK. Churches – alongside other faith groups – have stepped up throughout the pandemic to serve their communities. They have been a lifeline for many in East Ham.

The huge interest in the breakfast this morning reflects appreciation for churches’ responses to Covid-19. I look forward to working with local faith groups in the future as we plan for recovery.