Stephen criticises proposed cut to T-Grant


Stephen has written to the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, criticising plans to axe the London weighting for universities in the capital. 

Earlier this year the Department for Education wrote to the Office for Students about the teaching grant (T-Grant) for 2021 - 2022. It revealed the grant would be cut and pledged to "…remove weightings for London providers from across the T-grant including students attending courses in London and weightings within student premium". The Universities and Colleges Union have warned the decision to cut funding will result in around £64 million being taken from London universities.   

As well as writing to the Education Secretary, Stephen has added his name to Early Day Motion 1546. It notes that the removal of the London weighting will disproportionately impact many students from different backgrounds. It also urges the government to take into account the cost to students of studying in London.

Stephen said "The government must explain why it has decided to cut support for London's world class institutions this is money that London universities desperately need. I urge the Education Secretary to think again"

Maya Taylor-Cook, a second year student at the University of East London, said “If there is a rollback in the weighting London universities receive, I fear vital service, such as mental health support may be cut, This will cause students to suffer.”