Home Secretary on TOEIC students: not just clarification, but justice needed

Under questioning from Tim Loughton at the Home Affairs Select Committee on Wednesday 24 February, Home Secretary Priti Patel set out the need to bring justice for international students unfairly caught up in the 'TOEIC' scandal.

A significant number of international students in 2014 lost their right to live and study in the UK after being falsely accused of cheating in the 'TOEIC' English language test. These students have now been in limbo in the years ever since, not allowed to study or work, many unable to afford to clear their names in the courts.

The Home Secretary recognised: "We still have a number of people - too many people, I don’t have the figures at hand– who were caught up in this and we need to find a resolution, and actually to bring not just clarification but also some justice around what has happened."

After the 'TOEIC' court cases due at the Tribunal next week, the Home Secretary agreed to come back to the Committee with what action her department will take.

Stephen said: “Ministers now need to create a mechanism – which can be done within existing Home Office systems – to end the misery for the hundreds, if not thousands, of student victims of Toeic stuck in limbo.”