Stephen discusses options for preventing a second wave of unemployment

Earlier today, Stephen joined the Learning and Work Institute to discuss the end of the furlough scheme.

ONS employment data for July, indicates that three million workers were still receiving support from the Job Retention Scheme. Despite the headline figures for unemployment not altering dramatically, there are clear indicators that once the furlough scheme ends, unemployment could rise significantly.

In his contribution, Stephen highlighted the immediate need for the Chancellor to address this large economic challenge. Although supportive of the Kickstart Scheme, Stephen called on Minsiters to do more by ensuring there are “opportunity guarantees” for young people.

Speaking about the government’s response, Stephen said “It takes months for schemes to get into their stride once they are launched. We need an order of magnitude step-up from what [schemes have] come before and we need them to be established soon.

The Learning and Work Institute Report “When furlough has to stop – next steps to avert long-term unemployment” can be found here.